Peels are an important adjunct to skin care, which can maximize and expedite the results that can be achieved through a good skin care regimen. Being the lightest of all chemical peels, micro peels will smooth and soften your skin, brighten your complexion, minimize pore size, and reduce discoloration. Some patients have also noted an improvement in fine wrinkles.
Peels offer a significant advantage over skin care products alone, because the formulas are more potent, yet recovery is almost immediate. A peel will improve your skin texture, color, and overall appearance as well as decrease the apparent size of your pores. Many patients also see an improvement in superficial “crepe paper” wrinkles. Light chemical peels are most effective for less-severe skin conditions because only the outermost layers of the skin are affected.
If you are interested in enhancing your appearance by improving your skin texture, you may be a candidate for the chemical peel at Indiana Plastic Surgery.
To achieve the best results from a chemical peel, consider a regimen of medical-grade skin care products. Indiana Plastic Surgery offers product lines from SkinMedica, Alastin, PCA and more.
Men and women with rough skin, dull complexion, acne or other blemishes may benefit most from the light chemical peel.
The light chemical peel takes only 15 minutes. Prior to treatment, you will discuss your goals for the chemical peel and a formula (suitable for your skin type) will be chosen to meet those goals. If you are receiving a light chemical peel, the solution used may be composed of beta-hydroxy acids and alpha-hydroxy acids such as retinol, TCA, lactic acid, or enhanced Jessner’s.
With medium chemical peels, acetone, phenol, and trichloroacetic acid are common ingredients. First, the skin is thoroughly cleansed and the solution is applied to the face, neck and chest. Several sessions may be needed in order to achieve the best results. Next, a customized protocol of corrective products will be applied to enhance results and complete the treatment.
Because the chemical peel works to remove damaged or aging skin to reveal the younger, fresher skin beneath, the results of the chemical peel are visible only after the old skin has flaked or peeled off, typically after about one week. With light peels, you will be ready to return to your normal routine immediately following treatment.
Be sure to apply sunscreen when going outside as your skin will be sensitive. Possible side effects of treatment include removal of facial freckles, redness, dryness, flaking or scaling.
If you are interested in scheduling a consultation with our licensed estheticians or would like more information about the chemical peel, please give us a call at 219.500.5766. You can also use the online contact form to send an email.